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000093_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Jan 20 15:39:02 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Tue Jan 20 15:39:02 1998
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From: "Engvall, Sofia" <Sofia.Engvall@COMPAQ.COM>
To: "'AMOS-List'" <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Subject: RE: A lot of questions... :-)
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:57:56 -0600
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>> Hello. I'll take a few of these questions...
>Thanx! :-)
>>> - How good is Blitz Basic? Is it a big difference from AMOS?
>I mostlly though the second question to be about the differance
>programming them... but also what it sounds like... :-)
>> Go to my webpage (see below in my signature). Click on the
>> AMIGA-link then click on the AMOS-link. Download the archive
>> containing "the AMOS&BLITZ demos". It's nothing spectacular,
>> but it will allow you to see first hand how well the two languages
>> perform. Also, you can read my views of AMOS and BLITZ (go
>> to the BLITZ-page).
>I'll do this... but I don't have the URL to Blitz... I'll find it...
>hopefully :-)
>>> - Can I include C and / or assembler source and / or compiled
>>> programs into my AMOS programs in any way?
>> Source, no. Executable, yes. BLITZ allows inclusion of both
>> source and excutable Asm. Also very easy to convert from C to
>> BLITZ...
>How do I include an exacutable into the source? Con I include it
>into my compiled version to?
>>> - Are there any programming language similar to AMOS on the
>>> PC? Or any header file for C with AMOS similar commands?
>>> (I'm not talknig about Windows crap now :-))
>> See message I posted to list VERY recently:
>> Subject:"If you MUST have AMOS for PC then READ THIS!!"
>> Hmmm... you are on the AMOS-list, right? If not, and you didn't
>> receive that previous message, drop me a quick line and I'll give
>> you the URL for a PC AMOS...
>I've found the mail but the link
>didn't work :-( Might be compaq's net but I don't think so since I
>got to "http://www.games.ndirect.co.uk/"... Can you double-check? :-)
>> If you want to use C then check out the Allegro game library. It
>> contains loads of powerful commands for MIDI, WAV playing,
>> bitmaps, palettes, sprites, scrolling, etc. It really "ROCKS!!!"
>> Go to my IBMclone page and you can download two simple demos
>> I created with C/Allegro:CrzyStar and BOBdemo.
>This sounds reely interesting... I ve been on your page now... :-)
>Where do I get Allegro?
>>> - Are the bob routines reely this bad??? Yesterday I changed
>>> the background under a bob (with a bar) and then moved the
>>> bob... guess what happened... nothing (exept a small flicker
>>> the backgound was just the same as before)...
>> Well, the bobs might be considered "bad"... but, that's not the
>> cause of your problem. Chances are, you're trying to do the above
>> without shutting down AMOS's automatic bob-update system.
>> Try something like this (after opening your screen and in place of
>> your current "loop"):
>> Double Buffer : Autoback 0 : Bob Update Off
>> Amal Off : Synchro Off : Sprite Update Off : Flash Off
>> Rem the first thing I do in my AMOS-coding: Kill all that junk!!
>> Now, we can begin...
>> ALLDONE=False
>> Repeat
>> Bob Clear : Rem ... Remove the Bobs
>> Ink Rnd(31) : Rem ...Select a Random Colour
>> Bar 80,100,y1 to 239,155 : Rem ...Draw the Bar
>> Rem Update your Bobs position here...
>> Bob Anumber, Xpos, Ypos, AnImageNumber
>> Bob Draw : Rem ...Now Redraw the Bobs
>> If (Fire(0) Or Fire(1)) then ALLDONE=True
>> Screen Swap : Wait Vbl
>> Until ALLDONE
>> The key is to do all your background modifications (in your case,
>> using the Bar command) between the Bob Clear and Bob Draw
>> statements.
>> Hope this helps!!
>Oh... thanx a lot... I have to hurry home and test it! :-)
>Can't someone make Compaq's phone lines go down (I'm on the
>phone support :-( ) so I can go staight away!!! ;-)
>I've got four long hours left of the day...
>> Take care,
>Take care yourself and good luck with your projects! :-)